Hola de nuevo!
En este caso hago un receso colgando los tutoriales y os dejo un programita que he hecho para simular atmósferas a grandes rasgos. Podeis verlo y juguetear con él abajo o bien instalarlo para chrome en: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/dnchabkbkhkpchmkhlglmfdldgcihmfa?hl=es
Hi again!
I make a little stop with the tutorials to show you my atmosphere generator resource. It is usefull to generate simple atmospheres very fast and change a few of their conditions. You can find it behind or install it for offline use in chrome from here: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/dnchabkbkhkpchmkhlglmfdldgcihmfa?hl=es
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